Reveal Insights, Seize Opportunities

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Reveal Insights, Seize Opportunities


Fully managed as a Service

Maintaining the various integrations via API can be cumbersome and complex especially when new technologies are introduced into the organization.

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The dashboards are easily customizable with the technology you choose as well as the various panels per technology you would like to see reflected. It is simple to add additional technologies and additional panels as and when you introduce new technologies into your environment.

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Pay as you use

The vueITall platform is designed as a true SaaS offering. You only pay for the technologies and panels you choose with no long term contract.

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Focus on critical information

The vueITall platform is designed to ensure that you have immediate visibility of the critical information, events, metrics and alerts as opposed to information overload.

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Readily accessible

The vueITall platform can be accessed via mobile, tablet and desktop ensuring you have constant oversight of the critical incidents within your environment at all times.

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Caters for businesses with multiple operations

The vueITall platform allows you to create different dashboards for different silo’s, operational entities or different audiences within the organization, all linked to the same billing account, with detailed breakdowns and controlled user-access.

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Unveiling Clarity and Insight Where It Counts: Illuminate Your Cyber Security Landscape with vueITall.

Leveraging the existing investments your organization has already made, vueITall provides insight and visibility into the cybersecurity, cloud and network controls across a plethora of mainstream vendors.

Highlighting critical incidents, alerts, and performance related issues, vueITall is a critical component of any organization's technology stack in order to enhance the information required for governance, risk and compliance as well as help to increase the operational efficiency of engineering teams.

Implementing vueITall within your organization is a simple, self-service offering whereby you can easily create your own dashboard based on the technologies you have already invested in.

Available Integrations

vueITall functions through an expansive range of API integrations into a number of technologies.



Consolidation and visibility of critical metrics across multiple vendors requires expertise in integrations, expensive middleware platforms and the development of dashboards.

The vueITall platform overcomes these challenges by reducing the costs and effort involved in simply creating your customised dashboard and having it provided as a service.

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Increasing Response, Containment and Remediation

Finding and monitoring critical metrics takes time, where time is not always readily available.

The vueITall platform provides critical insight into these Indicator's of Compromise (IOC's) and helps engineers and threat hunters respond in order to mitigate threats.

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Cross-technology visibility and insight

The native user interfaces that come with the underlying base technologies have a fortune of information with thousands of alerts raised each day which demand an immediate response.

The vueiTall platform provides you with a single pane of glass consolidating all your technology providing "at a glance" insight

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Reducing lateral movement

Many organizations have operational silo's. The consequential impact of an Indicator of Compromise (IOC) in one area can affect other areas, cause and effect becomes critical in responding in an optimal manner.

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Business continuity

Ensuring availability and accessibility to critical resources within the organization is imperative to mitigate against business disruption. Having visibility and insight to incidents as and when they occur greatly reduces the impact a business experiences as a result

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Compliance and Governance

As regulatory compliance becomes more intensive, having oversight of the security, network and cloud posture of the organization is a necessity. Many standards require this level of insight to maintain certifications and comply with internal Governance and Risk policies.

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